
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Can You Catch the Error?

Put your proof-reading glasses on!

Last minute change or savvy move to make sure this PSA gets more publicity?


  1. Do should be Does, right? Seems too noticeable to have not been done on purpose, doesn't it?

    1. My suspicion is at the last minute " you" was changed to "she". On a school trip to the United Nations the tour guide pointed out the large woven rug decorating the wall. "There's a mistake in that rug." the guide told us. We strained with our third grade eyes to find the mistake, no luck. "You might not see it," she went on, "they always put a mistake in because only God is perfect."
      I've heard about people who are smart enough to put errors in on purpose; but I've always just proved the tour guide right.

    2. At least that's what I tell myself when I find obvious errors a little too late... ; )

  2. Gee, it's hard to be critical when I see some of the errors I publish sometimes. But at least with a blog, you can go back in and fix stuff.

    But pretty embarassing for Paddle Canada. Really, we do know grammar, editing, and how to spell up here. I hope I don't have any errors in this comment!

    Do I? Or "does" I need to take "sommore Anglish" classes?

    Cheers from Canada!

  3. P.S. But the message they are trying to send is totally dead on!

    Go Paddle Canada.

  4. P.S. Again. I think the title of the ad should be: Do YOU know how to:
    Not she! It's a bit sexist. They need my help for sure!


    1. The message is great; but I bet you could put a more captivating photo on the ad. Hopefully they'll hire you next time!

  5. Thankfully the ad is only misguided by "grammar" and not by more egregious errors such as missing PFDs or highlighting other unsafe paddling practices!

    1. Good point, it's the sort of error you can chuckle at, not the type that makes you cringe.
